December 19, 2018


Happy Holidays, Daniel!

Wishing you a warm, wonderful end of year... and a 2019 that rocks your world (see below).  



Danny Ceballos 

My 4-Step Process to Your Best Year Ever!

Want to have your BEST YEAR EVER in 2019?  

New Year's’ resolutions are doomed. Only 8% of folks actually keep their resolutions. So why bother?

Success comes from focus. In his book, Gary Keller explains that to focus on one thing -- one thing right now -- is what makes successful people so successful ... NOT longer-term resolutions!

So, instead of 2019 resolutions, I want you to consider instead, your one incredible 2019 THEME. What words resonate for you and keep you moving towards your best year ever? Wait -- don’t answer yet … here are some examples to consider.

My 2017 theme was “DISCIPLINE.” I took my theme seriously and it paid off. Going through a painful divorce, I can honestly say that the work I had done to make my theme a reality, supported and rescued me ... and allowed me to be confident and powerful in my new reality.

In 2018, my theme was “RADITUDE.” It was a melding of “radical” and “gratitude.” Why those two words?  Well, the research is clear, actively pursuing and articulating gratitude in every part of one’s life leads to increased optimism, happiness, better health, and contributes to boosting peak performance. I wanted to push myself to experience gratitude all the time. And it worked!

I’m still working on my 2019 theme. In fact, in a few weeks, I’m going to host my own “Theme Party” -- and together with some friends, we’ll go through the process I outline below to discover our 2019 themes together.

Your own personal 2019 theme will guide you as your comforting north star. It doesn’t have the slippery slope of likely failure and the sharp judgment that a new year’s resolution has. Instead, it is your gentle compass, always moving you forward to the person you want to be, and the life you want to have.

But don’t look for your theme. Instead, allow yourself some time and space to let it find you.

Here is my 4-step process for identifying your own 2019 THEME:

Step 1: Complete a Goals Grid. Take some time to inventory words and phrases that are important to you as you think about a successful 2019. The Goals Grid simply asks you to consider two questions: “Do you have it?” and “Do you want it?” From those two questions come your goals, objectives, feelings and activities that you either want to ACHIEVE, RETAIN, AVOID, or ELIMINATE in 2019.

Step 2: Consider doing a simple mind map to further inventory what your 2019 can look like -- your own BEST YEAR EVER. Start with a center circle that simply says Your Name's 2019. Then from that, start to brainstorm and free associate what’s important to you. Go crazy -- make the mind map as simple or complex as feels right to you. I suggest doing it free hand, but this free online tool is terrific.

Step 3: Sleep on it. Look over your Goals Grid and your mind map, see what theme possibilities suggest themselves, then give yourself 24 hours to land on the one that really speaks to you. Don’t rush this step. You’ll see what I mean -- makes a huge difference in identifying the really powerful theme that will truly support you in 2019.

Step 4: Then when you have your own personal, powerful 2019 theme, write it down everywhere you can. Put it in your calendar so it pops up every day. Put it on post-its that you stick on your bedroom and bathroom mirrors. TELL ME what your theme is and let me help you reinforce your commitment. Tell the world -- post it on your favorite social media channel. The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found that you have a 65% chance of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%!

A personal 2019 theme is so much smarter and more effective than your typical “new year’s resolution.”  I hope you try it!

See you next year!


With over 20 years experience in training and leadership development  - and holding an MBA and an MA in Organizational Development - Danny Ceballos has worked with organizations across the country to strengthen their effectiveness in leading and managing others through supervision+motivation best practices and strategies.


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